Thursday, 15 December 2011

I am one lucky dog

Just a bit of history about me. I used to belong to my Dad's son in law (Phil). He has a goshawk and a falcon and does all the proper hunting and stuff with them. I was trained to work with him and the goshawk and to do all the pointing for them. It was hard work and we used to go miles but I was good at it.

Then Phil and his wife (Sarah) had puppys. First came Nyle and then Nieve. Phil was very busy at work and I was not getting worked as much so I was spending a lot of time in the house with the mini peeps.

Then Mum & Dad lost Millie (who I introduced to you in an earlier blog). Everyone was sad. Even me because I used to see Millie a lot. Mum & Dad wanted to get another dog and Sarah & Phil thought it would be best for everyone, if I went to live with them.

It was great because I didn't have to work and I now get spoilt. I still see Phil, Sarah and the mini peeps lots but I is always glad when we get in the car to go home 'cause I don't want to work anymore. I love the lazy life.

So, I think I am a very lucky pup to have had a second chance and to be enjoying an early retirement!

This is me and Nyle. He's cool

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