Friday, 7 December 2012

The Gaffer

I az been koncerned for a while dat I azent dun my blog for ages but I az been busy wiv da Wonky Club website so it az took a bak seet. For dat, dere reedaz, I iz sowwy. However dis week I feel I az been forced into blogging again korse of one trajic event.

I wokes up yesterdee to da news that Marley had gone over da rainbow bridge. I noze da e az been poorly for ajez but it woz still a tewibble shok. I noze many words have been ritten over the last day or so about what a great dog he woz but I feelz I az gotta add my bit.

Marley woz a Border Terrier. Not just any BT. He woz da number one BT. No dog stuk up for iz breed like Marley did. E befwended every BT he kud find on Twitter and woz a loyal fwend to dem all. His sens of hewma kame across so well dat many ov us have bursted out laffing while reading iz bloggy or iz tweets.

To me and some other Wonky Club members, he woz da gaffer of squizzer patrol. We were iz faithful dog servants oo ansad the kall when Marley warned uz of squizzer aktivity. Myself, Rosa, Billy, Tilly and Hector will be lost wivout iz kommands.

Da outpouring of gweef on Twitter shows ow highly The Gaffer was fort of. I iz not surpwized. E was a one off oo I will miss effuryday. I sends my luff and dat of Rosa and my oomans to Lola and Marley's oomans. I ope dey get ova da gweef soon so dat dey kan look bak on The Gaffer's life and smile insted of kwy. I luffs you, Marley. RIP

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Wonky Camp

I az finally got round to posting about Wonky Camp. I iz sowwy for the delay but I az been busy doing what doggies do!

Wonky Camp woz the gweatest weekyend eva. I got to meet and play wiv my Twitter friends. I woz sowwy dat Billy and Hector cud not be dare but da rest of the gang were and we ad a fantastic time. The Mums & Dads set up a beer tent for demselves and we ad a uge field to run around in and play ball.

Da Mums and Dads played rounders which woz silly cuz we can run loads faster dan dem and we always got da ball first and ran off wiv it. Rosa, Quinn and Tora are da bestest ball chasers. Oomans don't stand a chance!

I wud like to fank all my doggy fwends for making it a gwate weekyend. Espeshully doze dat came such a long way like Lilly, Daisy, Tora, Juno & Jura who all came fwom Scottyland and to Mummy Liz who flew in from Doobuy. You iz all top dogs and top peepul and I iz pwoud to be you pal

Thursday, 19 July 2012

I sowwy

I sowwy everyone. I az been neglekting my likkle bloggy.

Loads az been appening so I just avnt ad the time. Since my last bloggy, I az been on holibobs twice and we az ad Wonky Camp wiv all my furends.

Da holibobs were gwate. We did loads ov walkings and chillin out in da wobbly. I showd Rosa loads ov my favrit places. Such as Hieki Canyon. Here is a picture ov it.
Rosa woz not allowed of lead cuz of da sheepies but she still enjoyed it.

Even doe da wevaman say it woz gunna wain all da time, we ad sum gwate weva as well as some wet stuff.

As for Wonky Camp, dat deserves a bloggy all ov its own so I will get to dat as soon az I kan

Saturday, 9 June 2012


Rosa was a good girl at the wobble box. We didn't go too far from the van so she could get used to it so she didn't get chance to meet the sheepys and orses. That will happen this week because, as from today, WE IZ ON HOLIBOBS!!!

As soon as I have done my bloggy, Dad is going to feed the snakeys and we iz off to the wobbly for a week. The wevver forecast is a bit pants but I am not bothered. We have been there in snow!

So, my furends, what's been happening since my last blog? Not a gwate deal, to be honest. Rosa is still norty and we are going to start taking her to gundog twaining classes in July. That will be fun! (& a bit of a challenge!) I will keep you informed on how she does.

We sometimes meet annuver GSP on our walks. She iz called Holly and Rosa and her run around togevva cuz they iz bofe young and silly. The hoomans and me just stand and watch them. They are cwazy!

Rosa met the minipeeps a few weeks ago for the first time. She knocked them bofe ova cuz she wa excited. They cried but Rosa didn't care! After that, she left them alone and just kept running off with toys!

I had better go now az I need to pack my bowl ready for setting off to the beautiful Derbyshire countryside

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Rosa Update

She is a loony! Dat iz my conclusion after a couple of weeks of living wiv my new sisfur. For the first week or so I decided to ignore her most of the time as she was getting plenty of attention from Mum & Dad. But as time has gone by, I have got used to her and we play together now.

She iz very excitable and is obsessed wiv my cat, Seven. She sits and stared at her even when Sven is asleep but she can't help but chase her if the cat runs so Seven doesn't like Rosa and twys to scratch her when she gets too close. It doesn't seem to bover Rosa much!

Sometimes I like to sleep and Rosa just wants to play so I have to remind her ooze in charge in dis owse. But apart from dat, we get on fine and I iz sure dat az she gets older, it will get better.

We are taking her to the wobble box for the first time tonight. She will have to stop on a lead az Mum & Dad can't twust her wiv da horses and sheepys on da farm. I don't know how she will settle in da wobbly but dare iz only one way to find out.

Monday, 30 April 2012

I got a sister!

Yesterday Mum & Dad got up early and put me in the Hiekimobile and we set off down the motorway. I thought we would be going to see the Minipeeps or Micropeep so I settled down for my snooze. Then we were outside a strange house. M&D got me out of the car and we went to the house. We we went in, I met a beautiful GSP girl who was only 1 year old. We played together for a bit while Mum & Dad chatted with the people in the house. When it came to going home time, the dog came to the Hiekimobile with us. I was amazed when she got in the car with me. It appears I now have a sister!

So please welcome, Rosa

She is very excitable and runs like the wind. I took her to the nature reserve wiv M&D and she ran so fast, I couldn't keep up wiv her. So I have got lots to teach her and I will try my bestest to do a good job. I will update you all about Rosa when I have spent some more time with her.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Giant Donkey

Wow. I az seen a giant donkey! It iz called an Andalucian Giant Donkey and it woz huge! According to what Dad told me, only 250 are left in the whole world. Dat iz sad.
There were lots of different anipals there. I saw a Llarma but Dad told me it was half of a Pushme Pullyou. I fink he was kidding. The minipeeps fed the anipals but nobody fed me!

I iz getting excited now az I am on holiday next week. We are not going until Monday because Dad iz working on Sunday. Mum and Dad will be putting the awning up this time so I can chill in there. I luffs my awning.

Can I say a bit welcome back to my mate, Tilly. Tilly's Mum has been to America and she forgot to leave the laptop for Tilly so she was not able to get on Twitter. Wonky Club iz a far better place wiv Tilly in it so, welcome back, Peak Pwincess. We have missed you like mad

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Is it summer or what?

Last week I was lying in my favourite sun spot in the garden. I luffs summer. Then it snowed! What is going on? Is it summer or is it winter? Don't get me wrong. I luffs da snow too but summer iz betterer

Dad sorted the Hiekimobile last weekend so I was able to have the minipeeps come up and stop. They are great and we had a great weekend.

Then we took them back to Derby and went off to see the Micropeep. She iz vewy tiny buy I had a niff and she niffed good. I was not allowed to lick her but you can't have everyfing.

Easter has been a non event for Dad. He worked Friday & Saturday. He off today but in work again tomorrow. Me & Mum have had loads of luvin and watched girlie telly. No football or anyfing!

Today we went to a petting farm to see if it would be any good for da Minipeeps when we have dem next week. It was great. Loads of weird niffs. I aint never niffed a llama before! Hopefully da wevver will be good next weekend and we can take da minipeeps to it.

Saturday, 31 March 2012

Back to normal bloggy

I hope you have all enjoyed the series of blogs about my friends. I may do some more in the future. So back to doing ordinary blogs!

So whats happening in my life. Lots this week!

Dad's youngest daughter, Laura, had a puppy this week. Her name is Lily-Rose and she is bewtiful!
But by far the most important news is that my car (The Hiekimobile) is a bit broke! I love my car. It takes me to the Wobble Box and to visit friends. I don't see it in the week as Dad has a lock up garage that he stores it in. Dad uses one of his moteebikes to go to work on in da week.

Today we walked to the garage (about a mile and a half away). When we got there Dad opened the garage and normally opens the back door for me to jump in. This time, the handle stuck up and the door didn't open. Dad had to tie me to a fence while he got the car out and took the childseats out of the back so he could drop the back seats and I could get it in. Now Dad has got to strip the rear door panel off so he can get it to work
I hopes all my readers have a gwate weekend. I am off to sit outside and watch Dad swear at the car!

Friday, 23 March 2012


This is my mate Dalton
He is the boss dog at Wagg Foods. I think he is in charge of everything. That is the sort of job that I want. I would be a very hard worker! (If you need a chief taster, Dalton, ring me!)

He is into everything!
He has many important jobs in the office. Banana skin rescuer, chief bin emptier and computer cable stealer are among his official titles.

He spends lots of time trying to stop snacks being posted out to other dogs as he feels he could deal with them himself!

He has an elder brother (Monty) and a younger brother (Ernest)
He enjoys playing hide & seek and his favourite toy is his purple hoop.

He is currently at school, learning how to behave. He is doing very well at it.

He has his own blog 

He is a top mate and I love him loads

Saturday, 3 March 2012


This is my mate, Mac
His full name is Macintosh William Shaw but his Mum & Dad got fed up shouting that on the park so Mac it is! He is an American Cocker Spaniel which means he is like other Cockers but bigger, fatter and louder! (Only joking Mac. Just a bit of doggy racism!). He is 6 years old.

He lives with Mum & Dad as well as lickle hoomans Harriet & Caitlin. Also two puddy cats called Topsy & Tim. They don't get on and live in different parts of the house! Cats are just odd! Mac is fab

He came to live with them as Harriet was very scared of dogs and Mac cured her of her fear.

Like me, he loves being fussed by anyone who is up for it. He is always tail wagging. Which is a surprise when you look at his list of ailments!
He has an under active thyroid, recurring skin condition, recurring ear infections, chronic arthritis and bilateral cruciate disease! I bet he gets a Christmas card from da vets! Bol
Mac is famous on Twitter for his fluffy pantaloons. I hope he is wearing them at Wonky Camp, this year. We will all be disappointed if not! He hates water and trys not to go for a walk if it is raining (He is a bit odd, himself!!!) He also hates wind but loves snow (That I can agree wiv).

Mac loves his toys
Like all sensible canines, he loves Wonky Chomps and snuggling on the sofa but he hates men in hats (especially if they are ride a bike!) and a neighbour from a couple of doors away.

Mac is famous. His best mate is Spot who lives near Hollywood and is owned by Sally Wade who is an comedy writer. Mac appears in Sally's book "The Permanent Courtship of Sally Wade". If anyone wants their copy signing, Mac will be doing a signing at Wonky Camp!

Love ya, Mac xx

Tuesday, 28 February 2012


This is Lucy
She was an anniversary present who arrived in March 2010. She came from LRSEC Lab rescue peeps.

Lucy is a big twitter fan. She joined Twitter as she had become friends with Wiggle, who is a big twitterer!

In March 2011, Lucy met her fella on Twitter. His name is @Rudipuds. (A good looking lad but he aint no Henry!!)

Lucy goes to Hydrotherapy for fun swims but her Mum insists she puts on a purple jumper afterwards and she, quite rightly, hates it. Get a grip, Mum! Mum also bought a coat at the LRSEC annual party and Lucy hates that even more!

As well as being a Wonky Club member, Lucy is also involved in Pedalpawz. They raised over £400 for LRSEC & Help For Heroes at a fundraising pantomime. Top peeps.

Lucy loves water especially if it's muddy
She is a big fan of food as well but does a bit of agility on Sunday mornings which helps her keep her racing greyhound figure.

She recently was attacked by another dog on her regular walk. This upset her and her Mum so we sent out big cuddles to her.

She is a very lovely lady and we are all looking forward to seeing her at Wonky Camp.

Love ya Lucy

Tuesday, 14 February 2012


This is Daisy
She lives with Lilly in far off Scottyland. She was born in da Scottyland border area on 16th April 2011.
Her new Mum & Dad were tipped off by Tora's mum as they were looking for another Spangold to go along side Lilly.

She is a posh young lady because she has a middle name. It is Faline. She is named after Bambi's girlfriend because she has a long neck which she uses to snaffle stuff in Mummy's kitchen. She has managed to nick 4 raw pigs in blankets and also 2 slices of highly alcoholic Chrissymas cake amongst other things.

Like most of us, she will eat anyfing (apart from satsumas!) but she is a growing girl.
Here she is wiv her fella, Quinn. Although Quinn lives down in London and Daisy lives way up norf in Inverness they are head over heals in love. You can see how much in love they are. I think we may have to keep a careful eye on them at Wonky Camp. We don't want any wonky hanky panky!

Finally, Daisy has an ambition. She loves her Dad very much and to make him happy she is secretly training hard so she can play for Dad's beloved Sunderland
Daisy is a top dog and we all fink she's great.

Love you Daisy xxx

Tuesday, 7 February 2012


This is Tilly
If it is true that gentledogs prefer blondes then this must be one popular girl because she is a proper beauty.

She was born in Lancashire but I will not hold that against her. She went to live on a narrowboat for 2 years and fell into the wet stuff on a regular basis. She did have a doggy life jacket but somehow managed to fall in only when she wasn't wearing it! She found out dat she could swim ok!

She eventually moved into a not wet house and now lives in lovely Buxton and is known by all Wonky Clubbers as The Peak Princess.
She is only allowed half a Wonky at a time due to her Mummy watching her weight. The Wonky Club solicitors are looking into the legality of that and hopefully her Mum will be in serious trouble for abuse!

I iz only joking cause her Mum is great and a big Wonky Club supporter.

Mum is not up to playing tuggy with her as she is so strong so her Grandad plays that wiv her. She is, like others on here, a brilliant de upholsterer and likes un stuffing. All these things show us what a great girl she is but one thing about Tilly is slightly unnerving to some of us (not me), she has a feline best friend called CinCin!
Tilly is fantastic and I love her loads xx

Monday, 30 January 2012


This is my mate, Hector
Hector is very special to me as he was born on exactly the same day as me! That should mean he never forgets to send me a prezzie for my burfday!!!

Hector loves cushions. Well, he likes ripping them to bits. He is also a huge fan of water. I think he was a fish in a previous life. You can't keep him out of it.

He goes to the pub and has his own spot that he always expects to be empty and waiting for him. He gets lots of treats there. It is the same for me at my pub. That is another thing we have in common.

He is a real action dog and loves killing tennis balls
unlike Tora who loves her tennis ball.

Hector is in lust with a "posh" poodle who he sees in the village but she doesn't seem to fancy a bit of rough so his lust keeps getting ignored by the posh totty. May be she would prefer a dog that spends more time on four legs!
Hector is our deep souf representative in Wonky Club and is one cool dude.

Love ya, Hector. xxx

Monday, 23 January 2012


This is my pal, Tora
Tora was born 26th May 2009. She had super clever siblings. One of them went to work for da drug squad and one to da bomb squad. She out did them by becoming a member of Wonky Club! How jealous must dey be. 

Tora is a proper water puppy, as you can see from the photo. She loves swimmin. They other fing dat she loves lots is her tennis ball.
As soon as her Dad walks through the door, she drops the ball at his feet and stares at it until he picks it up and throws it.

Food wise, she loves Peeny Butter, piggys ears, Toast, cheese & Wonky Chomps. (Sounds like a perfect meal to me!)
This is her bestest camera smile. What a gorgeous lady she is.

She lives with Jura, Iona and Juno and all play together until it's bedtime when she likes to sleep under the quilt and snore like a trooper!

She is another of da Wonky Club dats lives in Scottyland. She is a very special lady who I adores lots.

Love ya Tora. 


Saturday, 21 January 2012


This is Billy. He is the zoomy member of Wonky Club!
Billy was not looked after very well when he was a pup but was lucky enough to find new hoomans who love him lots. This was how they found him.
His Mum & Dad already had 2 greyhounds (Sarah & Glen) and were looking for a smaller dog. He fitted the Bill (See what I did there!) He is now three years old. He used to do agility training but can't now since Mum & Dad moved.

His favourite things are roast chicken, Wonky Chomps and Twitter! He also loves milk.

He is a very brave dog. He is not scared by fireworks of thunder but he hates having his nails done. He shoves his feet down the side of the sofa and hopes that Dad will think he has lost his legs! He is a fine weather dog (That's cause he ain't got no meat on him!) and plays frisbee wiv this Dad everyday. He is good at catching it.

When he isn't chasing frisbees he is chasing Squizzers, wabbits and wats. There seems to be a pattern emerging here. Billy likes chasing fings!

This is my favourite photo of Billy.
What a handsome zoomy he is. I is very proud to have Billy as my friend.
Love ya, Zoomy xxx

Monday, 16 January 2012


Here is Lilly
She is a very special friend. She is from a far off distant country called Scottyland. She was born in May 2002 on a tiny island up the top, somewhere! She lives up in Scottyland but has also lived in Leicestershire. Like lots of us pups, she was a bit of a naughty chewer when she was ickle. She lived with her beautiful black lab sister, Tara until April 2011 when Tara passed away. Everyone was very sad. Lilly was very ill during this period and her Mum was grateful to all her twitter pals for the love and support they showed to the whole family at this time. Twitter is gwate!

Lilly loves Chickin & Tuna but gets told off for eating kelp on the beach! She is an excellent fisherwoman and da trout swim in fear of her!

She hasn't got a fella at da moment and she can keep her paws off my Henry. She spends most of her time nowadays being the big sister to Daisy pup (Quinn's girlfriend from the earlier blog). I think she has got plenty on her paws looking after Daisy!

Daisy's Mum & Dad are wonderful doggy people and all of us Twitter friends benefit from the love they show to us all.
Daisy & Lilly

I am very proud to have Lilly as a friend.

Love ya, Lilly xx

Saturday, 14 January 2012


The next friend I would like to talk about is Doris.

She is a very clever dog. She is a fanatical Celtic fan. That is great because so am I and we can chat about the football. Although she doesn't share my love of Rovrum United (Nobody is perfect!)
Dad, Mum & Step Grandad outside Celtic Park

Doris was rescued from a very sad life and came to live with her Mum & Dad via The Blue Cross (Top peeps) in May 2011. She says she is about 8 but she isn't sure cuz she forgets how many parties she has had!

She also shares another love of mine, food. Like me, Doris eats just about anyfing. Unlike me, though, she loves mud. She is a dirty dog!!

She goes to Hydro Therapy every week. She says it is for medical purposes but I fink it sounds like a nightclub that she goes to to bust some shapes!

She lives with Meg the Cat, who she tolerates as long as she behaves and she is a brill pal. 

Love ya, Doris