Thursday, 19 July 2012

I sowwy

I sowwy everyone. I az been neglekting my likkle bloggy.

Loads az been appening so I just avnt ad the time. Since my last bloggy, I az been on holibobs twice and we az ad Wonky Camp wiv all my furends.

Da holibobs were gwate. We did loads ov walkings and chillin out in da wobbly. I showd Rosa loads ov my favrit places. Such as Hieki Canyon. Here is a picture ov it.
Rosa woz not allowed of lead cuz of da sheepies but she still enjoyed it.

Even doe da wevaman say it woz gunna wain all da time, we ad sum gwate weva as well as some wet stuff.

As for Wonky Camp, dat deserves a bloggy all ov its own so I will get to dat as soon az I kan


  1. Ello my chum. We met a border T at the weekend who catches loads of squirrels!! Yes. He also had a fox once. He's a livin legend and has moved to our village!!

    1. Wow. E sounds awesome! Iz e a jedi nite? Da force iz stwong in im! We cud lern lots fwom im

  2. Glad to see you back my furiend! You have been missed!
