Monday, 9 January 2012


Hi Everybody

I hope you all had a great festive period. I know I did.

What I would like to do is introduce you to some of my friends in a series of blogs. All the dogs that I talk about are wonderful. You can take it from me that they all have great hoomans and I am very proud to have them as my bestest friends.

This is Quinn. He does upholstery. That is why he has that little bit of foam in his mouth in the picture. So if you need your sofa unstuffing or fancy having your cushions resculptured, let me know and I will send you his business card.

Quinn was born 25/05/11. He lives with 4 other dogs in Essex. He does gun dog training but I am not sure I would trust him with a rifle! He loves his toys lots but does not let his brothers & Sisters near them. He loves them but not that much! He is very boisterous and has chewed his way through the house. A bookcase, a chair arm, house plants, wiring and the dustpan & brush have all been Quinned at some point!

But now he is in love. The only snag is that his gal lives about 600 miles away in Inverness. They have met but the relationship in mainly online. Rather like me & Henry.
This is Quinn with Daisy (his Inverness beauty)

As you can see, they are so happy together. I will tell you more about Daisy in a later blog.

Quinn has learnt lots from the other dogs. He collects all of their bones (I think he must like tidying up for his Mum!) but he forgets to tell them where he has put them. What a forgetful puppy he is!

He is a little bit stressed at the moment as his Mum is abroad on business but we all know she loves him loads and misses him as much as he misses her.

Quinn is great fun and I am really glad I know him. 

Love ya Quinny xxx

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