I opes youz all ad a sooper Chrissymas and Nu Yere.
Ere in da Doggy Rupublik of Rovram we ad a gwate time. I did fink Chrissymas mite be kansulled after Rosa did eat Santy Paws
But we woz lucky. Santy Paws must av eskaped (I fink e ad to buy a nu at) korse e did come to see us after all. I mist im korse I woz in me bed asleep.
Da eyelite of Chrissymas for me woz that General Ben did be on leve from saving da world in da armee. E did come to stop wiv us for a wile. General Ben is my bestest pal and I spent all da time eeva sat on im or trying to sit on im! We ad load of fusses and cuggles. Fusses and cuggles wiv General Ben is wot I like doin bestest.
Looks like you had a fab Christmas!!
ReplyDeleteIt woz gwate. I wish u ad been wiv me
DeleteArooooo...ow nice you got to spend time wiv da General my pal....woof
ReplyDeleteI luffs General Ben. We dunt see im very often nowadays cuz of da armee
DeleteI iz glad Rosa (BSCD) did do da spittingz out of Santa Pawz coz I also had a pawesome Chrimbo fanks to all da toiz and tweats he did deliffer to me. I pawticularly enjoyed sum of da boxes wot camez wif Mum & GDs pawresents.
ReplyDeleteUr bloggies iz ACE!
Luf TillyTT
Boxiz is ace! Iz glad you ad a gud chrissymas, Tilly. See you sune xx
DeleteNemohu dostatečně poděkovat úvěrové službě pana Pedra a dát lidem vědět, jak jsem vděčný za veškerou pomoc, kterou jste vy a zaměstnanci vašeho týmu poskytli, a těším se na doporučení přátelům a rodině, pokud by potřebovali finanční radu nebo pomoc @ 2% Sazba pro podnikání Půjčka .Přes Kontakt : . pedroloanss@gmail.com